The 5th Annual International AALA Conference
October 18-20, 2018, Shanghai, China
Theme: Standards in Language Assessment
Call for Abstracts
Deadline for Submissions: March 31, 2018
We are now inviting proposals for the 5th Annual Conference of the Asian Association for Language Assessment (AALA), Shanghai, October 18-20, 2018 from researchers, teachers, students and professional assessment agencies.
Conference Dates: October 18-20, 2018
Pre-Conference Workshop: October 18, 2018
Conference: October 19-20, 2018
Location: Shanghai, China
Host: Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Associate host: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Conference Chairs:
David Qian
Jessica Wu
Local Chair:
Yan Jin
Theme: Standards in Language Assessment
We welcome proposals that are related to the main conference theme and cover one or more of the following sub-themes:
Presentation Formats
AALA 2018 invites proposals for the presentation categories listed below:
Paper presentation
Poster presentation
An individual participant may be a first author on only one proposal. However, that individual may be a co-author/presenter on another proposal.
Submission of Abstracts
Please click here after January 25, 2018 to submit your abstract. The website for online submissions will request the following information:
Deadline for submissions: March 31, 2018
Notification of acceptance: April 28, 2018
Information on AALA Student Awards
The AALA Best Student Paper Award and AALA Best Student Poster Award are merit-based awards that support the attendance of two graduate students at an AALA annual conference. All single-authored/individual student submissions will be automatically considered for the awards. To qualify for the student awards, contributors must be graduate students currently enrolled in a university Master’s or doctoral program in applied linguistics or a related field. A letter of matriculation/active student status must be shown upon request.
Winners MUST present their works at the AALA annual conference to receive the awards. Winners for the Best Student Paper Award and Best Student Poster Award will each receive a certificate, have their conference and pre-conference workshop registration fees waived, and be invited to the banquet.
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals for individual papers and posters will be evaluated by a team of reviewers. The reviewers’ decision is final. The evaluation criteria include:
Contact Us
Email enquiries: 2018aalaconf@fltrp.com